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cat being over aggressive

20 14:04:07

I've had a cat since february and she's never acted so aggressive. I absolutely have no idea what's causing this. Recently she started sitting by the window during the day and spends her day there especially while the family is out at work or at college or she sleeps. I understand she has alot of energy since she's about a year or so and sleeping all day, but as soon as it starts getting dark out, she starts going crazy, when we play with her if you pick her up to pet her she hisses, tries to hit us with her paws (her nails are trimmed so that doesn't bug me too much) but she jumps on my face and stuff and it's just kind of creepy to a point where I honestly get kind of scared of her at night and just try to tire her out as soon as possible to make her go to sleep. Would you have any idea why she's doing this? Also she's not spayed.. could that be a reason why? or the fact that she sits by the window and can't attack anything she sees and builds up aggression all day? She was really never this aggressive, she used to be very hyper at night but not to a point where she would bite or hiss, or attack me n my family, just her toys. Please get back to me as soon as you can, it will really be appreciated. Thank you.


Getting her spayed will help a lot of the problem. If the cat is in pain that can cause aggression too. So can certain illnesses and diseases. It is rare, but cats can suffer from embolisms in the brain ("mad cat disease") which causes them to go crazy. It is important for a cat with an aggression problem to be examined by a vet. This is especially important for adult cats that suddenly become aggressive.

Don't play rough with your hands. Playing with the cat should involve tossing or dangling toys for the cat to chase and catch. A pet laser light (from PetSmart/Petco/etc.) is also an excellent way for a cat to burn off energy chasing the little 'red bug'.

She could be bored. A 2nd cat about the same age for company and comfort, to play kitty games with, and snuggle with sometimes helps. After getting the cat spayed and a period of introduction she should enjoy having another cat around. It doesn't always help but in most cases it does.

Also she may have what is called Redirected Aggression. That happens when a cat sees a strange cat outside and becomes territorial but can't get to the strange cat to defend her territory. You may not see the animal that the cat sees. Cats with Redirected Aggression  have been known to attack people if no other animals are in the house. If that is the cause, you need to block the window past the cat's eye level of the window he can see another cat out of (out of sight, out of mind). If it is allowed to go on your cat may develop a permanent personality change. Also put the cat in a room by itself for at least 4 hours to calm down when she behaves like that.

There is a very popular cat calming spray and plug-in you can use called Feliway or Comfort Zone with Feliway. It is available at pet stores, vet's offices (they use it too), or on-line. It copies relaxing pheromones that cats produce from rubbing their faces on things.

There is also a calming product that you can add to the cat's food or water that reduces anxiety called Bach's Rescue Remedy. It is available on-line and in health food stores. Here is a link about it: (copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

If your cat is still being very stressed the vet can put her on "kitty Prozac" for a short term (usually 2 weeks) until she calms down. Rarely, some cats require it long term. You may want to speak to the vet about it.

You may not agree, but there are a lot of VERY loving kittens and cats in shelters that are going to be put to death because of over-crowding and being unwanted that you don't need to try and live with a cat that doesn't want, or can't, be loveable and bring you pleasure owning it, or that may injure you or your family.

But first make sure it's not a medical issue causing the behavior.

I hope this information was helpful.
