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my cat wont get off the table

20 14:06:12

dear tabbi,
i'm looking aftera cat for a year but i have a problem with her, she jumps on the table, dresser, and coutner all of which have valuables and sit there and tries to bite me when i try to take her off. she also likes to play with the pictures on the wall. my question is how do i  get her to stop before she breaks some thing?


It sounds like your cat is bored. I would suggest a cat friend for her to play with, lots of cat toys, and play with her more.

I know it's inconvenient but when you have cats you need to cat proof your home. Put things she can break up higher or somewhere else. And move your pictures up. There's really nothing you can do to stop her from jumping up on things especially if you're not home.

Try getting a kitty condo that she can climb on and put it near a window that she can look out of.
