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8 week old aggressive kitty

20 14:03:37

QUESTION: I have an 8 week old tabby kitty, and I love him to pieces. At times he can be very lovable, he crawls up on my neck and chest and will sleep, and purr, but other times, he gets very aggressive. He is very playful, and I have lots and lots of toys for him. He likes to claw and bite my hands, or chase after my feet when I walk and bite. When he bites my, he throws his ears back, closes his eyes, and purrs. I have some treats that I got him that are all natural that are used to calm them down, but I do not like to give them to him all of the time, because they just make him sleepy.  How can I get him to stop biting and scratching me?

ANSWER: Megan,

Some cats have a higher level of energy than other cats. If it is any comfort, the kitten WILL calm down when he's 1-2 years old!

Personally, I would get a kitty friend about the same age as yours to play kitty games with, to snuggle with, and to comfort him when he's alone. A little kitty shouldn't be alone with no playmates. He is playing with you as if you were another cat. He needs another kitten to roughhouse with. 2 kittens are easier than one because they keep each other company and take the pressure off of you to keep them amused, and they can play kitty games with each other that humans can't. A single cat can be destructive because he's bored, and demanding of your all attention. It's not good to have a cat too dependant on a human for companionship.

Don't ever use your hands for play only for petting. That is a bad habit to get into. Try a pet laser light (from Petco or Petmart, etc.). It is a good interactive toy that burns energy and is good for bonding.

If the cat is on your lap or next to you and he bites then say loudly "don't bite!" and dump him on the floor and ignore him for a bit. Then pick him up again and pet him. If he bites again then dump him again and say "don't bite!". He will start associating biting with not getting petted...and dumped on the floor, and will eventually quit doing it.

He could be teething. Give him a raw beef rib bone periodically as a treat to chew on. Go to the supermarket and have the butcher cut some beef ribs in half. Though some cats don't care for meat, most cats enjoy them. It satisfies the hunting and 'fresh kill' instinct that is strong in some cats. Plus the fibers in the meat cleans their teeth.

I hope this helps.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Another quick question about my kitty ( Moe ).. He is eating dry food (kitten chow) and I do occasionally give him a packet of moist food as a treat for good behavior, but everytime I sit to eat, he has a tendency to jump up, and try to eat what I am eating. He does sneak tables scraps as well. I am afraid that it is not good for him, and fear giving him anything. I have given him small peices of bread, and he LOVES cheese. Do I use the same approach to get him to stop trying to eat my food? I usually tell him to stop, and put him in the floor next to his food.


The only bad foods that are toxic to animals is chocolate, onions, bread dough (before baking), macadamia nuts, raisins, and grapes. Cheese is fine, but only small amounts, as it is constipating.

Kitten chow for his first year is perfect. It gives him all the things he needs to grow and develop. Table scraps are fine too. But feeding at the table is a life-long bad habit. You are the "mommy' and you have to be firm (and consistant) about what behaviors you don't approve of and won't allow. If you give him tidbits, don't feed them from the table, put them in a dish in his eating area. Keep a rolled up newspaper handy. First tell him loudly "No begging! Go!" and let him know you don't want him near you when you are eating. I usually say it 2 times (they learn real quick what you mean if you use the same terminology). The 3rd time I say it, I say "I TOLD YOU...." and bop him with the rolled up newspaper. It doesn't hurt them but the noise scares them. It will take a few times for him to make the association but he will learn. Kittens and cats are like kids. They will test you and push you to see how far they can go and what they can get away with. Be firm but always give them love later.

If a cat KNOWS he's not going to get any tablescraps when you are eating (and might get bopped too) he won't bother. Sometimes it takes a while to get the point across because some cats are stubborn and very persistant. When you do give anything to him, do it AFTER you eat, and in his bowl.

This is a suggestion on how to handle it. You get the idea. Do whatever works out best for you and the cat. But be consistant about it!! Don't give him something at the table one time. then tell him no the next time. Cats DO understand English, as long as they can initially put the words to an association.

Another thing I do if my cats are bugging me because I have something REALLY tasty that they want and I want peace, is to put a streak of butter or mayonnaise down both front legs. That will keep a cat busy for awhile licking it off. Plus the oil in the butter and mayonnaise is good for their digestive tract, intestines, and for hairballs.
