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Only male cat

20 13:57:41

I have a male cat thats almost 2. i moved in with my boyfriend, and my cat has started peeing in laundry baskets... no where else, just there, especially when its my boyfriends clothes. he is not neutered, and I read that may help, but my mother says once they start, they never stop. What can I do to stop this?  


1. Get the cat neutered right away. Some male cats will occassionally spray after they have been neutered but not all cats do. And there is not the tom-cat smell anymore when they do. Some cats will continue to spray outside but not inside.

2. Have the vet check for a urinary tract infection or urinary crystals. Both are painful and the cat associate the pain of peeing with the litterbox and they go elsewhere. If not caught in time it is usually fatal to male cats.

3. Show alot of affection to your cat so he does not feel he has been replaced in your affections. Have your boyfriend feed him. That way he will see him as an extension of you and not 'the enemy'.

I hope this helps.
