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My cat is always wanting affection...

20 14:06:17

My cat will meow and meow until someone will pet him. He will sometimes wake us up in the middle of the night. He will sit by me while I am at my computer and meow for my attention. Then when I pet him, he is in heaven! He is beside me as I write this e-mail and he is begging for affection. I love petting him but it seems the more I do, the more he wants. What can I do?


What you can do is give him the loving he is craving OR get him a kitty friend around his age and his temperment. A personable, loving cat needs a cat friend to cuddle with, groom, and play kitty games with. It would take some of the pressure off of you. He is bored and needs attention.
It takes a couple of weeks for things to smooth out in the getting aquainted department but after that he should be happy.

Some cats are just born lovers. I have one I call 'Lotsa Luv' because he is so full of love. He will give up eating to be petted and he will lick you to death if you let him.
But he has had to learn the words "that's enough!" and he will quit reluctently.  

You can get a video for him to watch. I have 3 for my cats and they love them! Here is the link where I got 2 of mine:

You can also get a small aquarium or a Habitrail Hamster cage with a couple of mice or hamsters for him to watch. I have lizards and fish. After a while the gerbils or lizards or fish, get used to the cats and ignore them and go about their business...which facinates the cats.

Get interactive toys that you can play with him. Like the pet laser light or the dangley 'fishing' type toys that he can catch. Or pulling a shoelace around on the floor is fun for them. Carry him around when you are doing things. He will be happy. He just wants your attention.

I hope this has helped and has given you some 'food for thought'.
