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Kitten in the recliner

20 14:06:16

I have a rocking/reclining chair and a two month old kitten. The kitten has a
bad habit of crawling under the chair, and then up inside it. I haven't been
reclining at all, but he can still get under it and in it when it's not reclining. I
have tried everything--I've stuffed the underside of the chair with blankets
and pillows, I've tried using "Boundary" spray (which only manages to keep ME
out of the chair because the smell is so hideous). But he still goes under there
a couple of times a week. And who knows how many more times he does it
when I'm not home. Can you offer any suggestions short of getting rid of the


Recliners and pets do NOT mix. SO many animals have been seriously injured by getting caught in them. If you have one you have to constantly be aware that a cat may be underneath. I am and I still almost cut my cat's tail off when I jumped up when the phone rang without making sure the coast was clear. I felt SO bad.

You can get him a 'kitty condo' with covered hidey-holes that he can hide in. But cats will be cats and they always seem to find something they can hide in that they shouldn't.  

At 2 months it would be hard to keep him away from under the chair, especially since is still so little. Maybe getting him a kitty friend his age to play with would keep him busy. Cats needs cat friends to play kitty-games like chase and rough-housing, to groom, and to snuggle with for comfort.

That doesn't help your chair problem any but it may help your kitty.  Kittens are determined little kritters, especially if they know you don't want them to do somethng.

You can try getting some cardboard boxes sealed up and putting some holes in them for him to crawl into. It would be nice and dark...and safe. Put a comfy blanket in it for him to curl up on, and a couple of furry toy mice thrown inside for him to 'hunt'. Maybe if he has his own comfy, safe, hideaway he will stay away from under your chair.
