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sphinx with weird behavior

20 14:04:47

My daughter and I rescued a Peterbald from a shelter last year when my daugher was going thru chemo. Simba entered our temporary home (a small apartment) with two other cats rather well. Then when we moved back home was introduced to our family dog then shortly there later a new puppy. During this time he had no strange behaviors. Then we had a long term visitor. After three months when they left he started crying in the middle of the night. I yelled at him or would spray him with water. After a while he stopped. Then I gave my boyfriend a puppy. He moved out into his own home but continues to spend a few nights a week with me. When he comes he brings his lab. The cat cries all night. Now when it's just me in the house he cries. It seems that if a bedroom door is shut he cries, if one of the other cats is outside, he cries, if I disturb him while he is sleeping he jumps up and out of the bed and cries. He cries every morning at 6:20 am till 8:00 am even if I get up and feed him. I love this crazy cat but my boyfriend won't sleep over any more and my daughter and I aren't get full nights sleep plus I am pregnant now can't image how that is going to turn out with him loudly mewing his head off. Help!


Cats cry for a reason. It is their way of trying to tell you something is wrong. It's the only way they know how. It may be because he is emotionally upset or he may be in pain physically.

Anytime a cat shows a noticeable change of behavior you should have the cat examined by the vet for a medical issue before considering it a behavioral problem.

It sounds as if he may be suffering Separation Anxiety from the previous pets he may have bonded with, or even your long term visitor. He needs love, reassurance, and lots of attention if he is. Getting angry at him will only upset him more.

One solution would be to get him a kitty friend about his same age and temperment if he isn't close to your other cats. Cats need another kitty to play kitty games with, cuddle with, and be comfort and company. It's not good to have a cat too dependant on a human for companionship and attention. And if he is going through Separation Anxiety, another kitty will take his mind off of it.

The vet can also prescribe 'kitty Prozac' for a short term (usually 2 weeks) to calm him. I would speak to him/her about it.

I don't answer questions about pedigreed cats (that is outside my area of experience) so for further information you may want to ask one of our experts in breeding and showing if his behavior is something that is breed-specific to a sphinx, or Google Sphinx Breeders to find a site that accepts email questions and ask them about his behavior.
