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Cat Memory

20 13:54:01

I've just picked my two cats up (10 mths old) from the cattery where they were for two weeks when we were on holidays. We normally let the cats outside during the day and keep them inside overnight. I'm worried now about letting them outside in case they don't remember their surroundings and our neighbourhood and get lost. They have never previously wandered too far and are always watiting on me when I come home from work. Will they remember their way around? Is their anything I can do to aid their memory of the the local neighbourhood?


From Ireland? How lucky you are! So much better than boring, hot California!

You shouldn't have any problems with them. Cats go by association, habit, and smell. I would keep them in for a few days and let them look outside, preferably from an open (screened) window, so they can smell the familiar smells and hear familiar noises.

They probably will stick VERY close to you at first until they realize that you aren't going to leave them again. And they may be a little upset about you leaving them. Give them some kitty treats (like tuna or tinned sardines in oil) to get on their good side again. Food is a great bribe! *smile*
