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Why does my cat attcks her own back legs?

20 13:55:09

Why does my cat attack her own back legs? I've had cats that chase and catch their owns tails in the past but my new kitten, well 5 months now, goes for her back legs, then ends up kicking herself in the face which makes her attack them more! Is she just playing strangely?


It sounds like she may have fleas (it IS flea season)and she is getting flea bites.

If she is not spayed she may be coming into heat. If she is not, I would think about getting her done soon.

She may be bored also and is keeping herself amused. You may want to give her more toys, like toy stuffed mice to bat around, or ping pong balls. You may also want to think about getting her a kitty friend to play with and keep her company.

AND sometimes there is no rhyme or reason why a cat behaves the way it does and only the cat knows for sure why.
