Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Lost cat located but not cooperating

Lost cat located but not cooperating

20 13:56:09

QUESTION: I have owned this cat for over 5 years.  We found her living around our building so I guess she was a feral cat.  She had two litters before we took her in & had her spayed.  She was the most affectionate cat & was almost always near me.  I had her in my car, in a travel carrier & the door was opened & she got out.  we were near restaurant & she ran into the bushes.  It's been 6 weeks & I have been there every day, morning, noon & night.  I didn't see her after she got loose for about 2 or 3 weeks then she appeared.  At first she saw me & stopped as I spoke to her & stared at me.  As I got closer she ran away.  I see her every 2 or 3 days.  For the most part she acts as if she doesn't know me & then sometimes she stops & listens for a while.  I've been putting food down but sometimes the other cats in the area get it first.  The other cats have been waiting for me(for food) but not her.  I want her back but don't know what to do.  I am besides myself.  It's been 6 weeks & I can't keep it up much longer.  The thought of her being out there alone is driving me crazy.  Any suggestions will be seriously welcome.  BTW;  She is an American short hair (about 7 yrs old).  Please someone help...Thank you.

ANSWER: Steve,

A feral cat is not a domesticated house cat and will not behave like one. She may have reverted back to her feral instincts and is where she wants to be. You get an 'A' for trying! I know how frustrating that must be, especially since you are so attached to her.

Is there a feral organization in your area? Type FERALS and the name of your city in Google and see if any come up. They have professional trappers and are experienced in catching cats. Maybe someone there will help you to try to catch her.

I wish I could be of more help. And I pray that you will be able to catch her and bring her home. Or that she will come home on her own (they have amazing tracking abilities).


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your response although very disappointing to hear.  Can you think of anywhere I can get another opinion.  I saw her yesterday & she sat there for about 20 minutes listening to me & then took the food I had put out for her.  That was the first time she actually ate the food that I put out right there & then.  So obviously I can't just accept that she has reverted & give up.  Please let me know if you think of anyone.  Thanks again.   Steve
BTW:  I checked Ferals in Boca Raton & nothing came up like I would be looking for.


I talked to a trapper friend and she said that you may have to trap her yourself if you can't find anyone to help you. She also said to check the website she is on for trapping instructions. You need to use a very strong food, something like mackeral or Kentucky Fried Chicken. And make sure you don't feed for a couple days before that. She said that you should be able to catch her.
You can also give them a call, they are great people! Tell them what happened and ask them how you can get her back.

Here is the website:
(copy and paste, or type the whole link into your address bar)

Here is a Google link for trapping tips too:

All the sites don't pertain to your cat's situation but you may get some helpful info from some of them that will help you catch your poor kitty.

Also here are some groups in the Boca Raton area that maybe you can contact for help, borrowing a trap, or advice:

Again, some of the "only" feral spay and neuter clinics won't pertain to you, but remember...they may be 'information providers' too.

Don't give up! It sounds as if you are making progress with her. I
hope this info will be helpful in getting her. Keep me posted.
