Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Young female cat TORMENTS our older female! :(

Young female cat TORMENTS our older female! :(

20 13:54:06

My Kitties
My Kitties  
QUESTION: Hi, I really need some help!! I adopted Nala last August, she is one year old this Saturday. The only other cat I have is Bebe, and she is 8 years old. Ever since we brought Nala home, she constantly torments Bebe! Chasing her around crazily, jumping on her, all the while Bebe is hissing and growling, she even screams! Nala DOES NOT let up! We have to chase the pair around until we can scare Nala off of her. Poor Bebe can't walk past Nala without being attacked. I'm not saying a literal *attack* but enough to make her screech and yell. Bebe is an outside/inside cat, always has been; Nala is strictly indoors. Poor Bebe hates being inside because of this, and when she is, she is hiding. It's gotten to the point that even carrying Bebe around, she growls and gets very stressed because she knows Nala is somewhere nearby. The only time she's content is when she is in my room with the door closed and she knows Nala's not in the room. Do you have any suggestions???? I am SO heartbroken to see my Bebe like this, and I can't find anything to help :(
Adopting a younger cat for Nala to play with is out of the question, according to my parents (I'm 16). I really think it would be a good idea but it's not feasible.
I play with Nala all throughout the day, so that can't be it.
Both are spayed, and declawed in the front paws.
We have always had multiple cats, so Bebe is used to housemates.
My mom says Nala will eventually grow out of it and just calm down, but who knows when that will happen and I'm afraid Bebe is going to lose a few years off her life from being soo stressed all the time! :/
Please please please, give me any advice you might have. I sooo appreciate it!

ANSWER: Maria,

A one year old cat is VERY bad to have around an older cat!

You have an energetic 15 year old (in human years) trying to play and annoy a 48 year old (in human years). That is bad for both cats! It is liable to cause health, personality, and emotional problems like fur-pulling, depression, improper elimination, etc. for the older cat. An older cat cannot take stress like a younger cat can. The older cat is used to her routine and peace, which now, both are disturbed and changed.

A one year old cat needs another cat about his same age, temperament, and energy level to play kitty games with, and for companionship and company...which the older cat can't give him. Which is frustrating for him. Two cats the same age tend to play with each other and leave the older cat alone.

Older cats usually do not care for kittens because of their energy level and the fact that they ruin an older cat's routine and peace. A kitten, if it is healthy, will have lots of energy and will like to play a lot. When the only other playmate for the kitten is an older cat she will try to play with her as she would with another kitten. That causes problems. For the older cat...and for the kitten, who gets confused and can get depressed and lose heart because the older cat won't play and will growl at her.

As the kitten grows and gets more secure and self-confident she may intensify her annoying behavior towards your older cat out of boredom or to expend energy. That may cause the older cat to become stressed or cause behavior problems (like inappropriate elimination). Or it can cause the older cat to be aggressive towards the younger cat out of frustration.

When you have 2 kittens, they play together with rough-house kitty play, chase each other, and play normal kitty games, and then snuggle together for comfort and companionship. They tend to leave the older cat alone more. That relieves the older cat is he is not interested in playing, but leaves the option open if he does.

The best you can probably hope for is that the older cat accepts the younger cat...even though they may never be 'friends', which is really not fair to a happy, lively cat who WANTS to be friends and playmates. When you get a friend for a resident cat it should be one close in age and temperament. A single kitten is not a good choice, even though it is a very nice gesture by you.

It sounds like Bebe is very unhappy. Personally I would rehome Nala where she can have a playmate her own age and energy level. Your first priority is Bebe and her happiness and well-being.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I could see that that would be a good idea for the both of them...but we've already had Nala for a year; does that make a difference with her moving to a new home? We would have to give her to the SPCA because we don't have any family or friends that could take her, and I hate to leave her from her home into a cold little cell until someone decides to adopt her =/ Would she feel like we didn't love her? I know she's only a cat, but still..the thought makes me upset :(


From the picture (pretty kitties!) it doesn't look like they are too upset with each other. Sometimes a lot of their behavior they do is for show and attention and may get along when you are not around.

Have you tried letting Nala go outside (with your supervision at first)? Sometimes that is enough to make them a happy cat.

About re-homing Nala: that is a personal decision on how you feel about Bebe and her happiness and serenity vs Nala's.
