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Cats in the trash!

20 14:06:12

I have three pet cats and they are always in the kitchen garbage can. What can I do to keep them out?


It sounds like possibly they are not getting enough to eat and are digging in the garbage for something more. I don't mean to sound like I am saying you are starving them, just some people feed on a schedule and it's not enough for some cats and the smell of food in the garbage is tempting.
Try free-choice feeding (always a bowl full) of a good quality dry food. That way they can nibble when they are hungry.

It could be they are 'spoiled' and want people food instead of cat food and are trying to get some scraps.
Keep a squirt bottle of water handy and when they mess with the garbage squirt them. Of course that won't work if you are not home.

The BEST way to prevent that behavior is to get a garbage can with a fitted lid, or the kind you step on and the lid opens up that they can't get into.

Hope this helped.
