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help with my 21 week old kitten

20 14:07:03

I got my kitten when he was 7 weeks old from my friend. He had a brother and a sister but kept to himself. He is now 21 weeks old and when my brothers of sister walk by when hes not in the mood for kids he jumps up on you and just keeps biting and he will follow you around and scratch and bite harder. my mom had a baby on the 22 and i am worried than when i go to middle school he will bite the baby and my mom will bring him to the shelter of give him to my dad. when he is bad we put him in a cage. when i put him in there he looks like he is thinking very hard. when he comes out i hold him and tell him i love him but even after i put him down me bites me until i shake him off. i don't like it when my mom tell my he is a bad boy it makes me feel like i messed him up but even though he bites and scratches me i still love him. but how do i change him before its to late????
              -Daisy Lee

Hello Daisy Lee,

Is he biting and scratching for no reason?  It sounds more like he is trying to play, a lot of kittens will attach toes and feet as they are in motion.  First you need a squirt bottle filled with water, when he plays inappropriately he needs to get a few squirts and a firm NO!  If he does get to biting you or your siblings need to make a loud high pitched squealing noise, this will imitate what his littermates would do to tell him he has gone too far.  If he is biting when you are petting him, avoid petting his belly alltogether, this is a very sensitive spot for most cats, also avoid his hind end. If he bites during petting you also need to put him down and stop petting him immediately.  Never play with him with your hands, your hands should only ever be used to pet, this way he will learn to leave your hands alone.  To play with him use toys, you can use paper balls, or milk caps or anything really you don't have to go out and spend money.

Hope these suggestions help!
