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Agressive cat

20 13:52:42

Dear Tabbi,
    Hello, I took on a babysitting job for a person that I work with until the parents of Lola the cat, were able to find a home that accepts cats. Unfortunately they parents don't want her back, and she attacks my youngest cat Livvie, and for no reason what so ever. Lola the bad cat and Livvie my youngest are the same age, a little over a year. I am at my wits end, because of the fact that we, my son and I, now have to have Lola in his bedroom because this is Livvie's home, not hers. She seems to be okay around the rest of my cats, it's just pure hate she has towards Livvie. I would also like to mention that my son's cat JuJuB also attacks Livvie with no reason as well. Both Lola and JuJuB are both Calico cats that show confidence and strong wills, where Livvie is very passive, yet mildly confident. I hate that I have to lock Lola away in my son's room, but I just don't know what else to do, any answers would be fabulous! Thank you for your time.
~Carolyn and Victor


That is a miserable situation for you and the cats! Are all the cats spayed? If not, that could cause serious behavior problems.

Calicos are very territorial, and usually are alpha cats, and can be bullies. I would put Lola in a carrier, take her to her former owners, and tell them it's NOT working out with your cats and that you are going to have to give her back. Or, you can try to re-home her. Cats like people can have personality clashes too and cannot get along. Are you in a position to let her be an outside cat? Or indoor/outdoor?

I would keep a rolled up newspaper handy and when the new cat starts picking on Livvie, I would whap her with it saying loudly "leave her alone!". Cats go by association and you want her to associate the newspaper with her aggression towards Livvie. Let her know that her behavior is not acceptable. The newspaper won't hurt her, but the noise should scare her. Wait a few minutes then love on her. You want her to be afraid of the newspaper, but NOT afraid of you. She should get the association soon and then all you should have to do is pickup the newspaper and say "I said NO!" and she should think twice about being aggressive.

Did you do the correct introduction process at the beginning? If not, that could be some of the problem. You can not just put 2 cats together and expect them to get along. That rarely happens. The getting acquainted period can be from 2 weeks to 2 months. Doing a complete re-introduction is worth a try. It may take a while longer because of the negative first impressions, but it MAY work out if you are patient and do it correctly.

Here is are some links to a good articles on introductions that should give you some guidance:
(copy and paste, or type the whole links into your address bar)

When they can both be in a room together safely, feed both (or all) cats yummy cat treats (like tuna or tinned sardines in oil) TOGETHER. That is so the cats will associate each other with something pleasant, instead of negative. Also getting a pet laser light (at PetSmart, etc.) is great for interaction between cats. They  can chase the 'little red bug' on the floor, ceilings, and walls, and they tend to forget about the other cats as they focus on the 'bug' which helps them get used to each other.

I hope this helps.
