Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > sick wild cat kitten

sick wild cat kitten

20 13:53:10

interbreeding. sick wild kitten.


You didn't ask a question but I am interpreting it as a question on what to do about a sick, wild kitten.

The kitten, and hopefully the mother too, need to be trapped.
There should be organizations that deal with feral cats in your area. I would Google (or whatever search engine you use): FERALS (NAME OF YOUR CITY OR NEAREST LARGER CITY)
Example: Ferals Sacramento

Call some of them (or email) and explain about the sick, wild kitten. They can give you information on how to trap. Some will even loan you traps or even help you with the trapping.

Here are some links too that should be helpful:
(copy and past, or type the whole links into your address bar)

I hope this helps.
