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introducing 2 brothers 4 yrs to my 15 yr old male

20 13:58:55

QUESTION: I have recently taken in two 4 yr old brothers, because I lost 20 yr old recently and I have a very active 15 yr old siamese male with beginning of kidney disease. It is day 4 and I let my old cat come in the room where the others were my room and the roar I got from my cat scared them to
death. What is the protocal for introducing two cats to a
one cat home.. 15 yr old please help

ANSWER: Dear Catharine,

The correct way to introduce them is to get someone that your older cat trusts and loves to either hold or pet your newest cats. Slowly and quietly bring your cat into the room, and make sure you have access to him so he doesn't hurt the other cats. Show your cat you care for them, and sit and hold your older cat. After a little bit, let your cat go sniff the others, and if your cat gets stressed, pet him. Let all the cats go to sniff each other. If it doesn't work out, separate them. You would not like any cats getting stressed. If it does, make sure they all get the same share of attention, otherwise they will start, and spraying or known as marking their territory. If they are fixed, they will do this due to jealousy, and they want to be the center of attention. They don't care if it is trouble attention or love attention, they will spray! Good luck.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi I have got some different advise lately almost opposite of what  you said they said you let the cats into a nuetral area and let them meow or roar as they need to work it out. They sad cats hardly ever hurt each other but after about 5 days to let them out, they have had time to smell each other under the door.. they have claws mine doesn;t also these cats have more dander than mine I am
having some reaction to it any ideas?

Dear Catharine,

Cats do hurt each other, depending on their personality. So not not "hardly". This reaction may be allergies. Brush them, maybe a lot of fur will come out. I cannot say because I'm not their to see how serious your allergic reactions are.
