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Cat Agression

20 14:07:03

Hello - I have a 2 year old cat that had been abused as a baby. He was thrown out of a window by a group of children. My husband and I rescued the cat, and it is the first cat I ever owened. He is very loving with us. However, he hates other people. I admit we did not have tons of people around him as a kitten - we lived in a small apartment at that time, but he was not totally isolated from humans. He does not hide when strangers or friends come in. He simply stares intensly. If he is approached by them he often will back off and make angry sounds. He had never attacked anyone until recently. My mother has been staying with us. She simply came in the room and he attacked her, biting her ankles. If he hates other people, I can live with that except we have a baby coming soon and I am scared something tragic may happen. We are desperate to find a way to curb his aggression. I'm sure medications and bahvioral specialists are expensive and we are a tight bidget. Please help!

Hello Katie,

Behavior specialists may be expensive but your regular vet would be able to perscribe a sort of kitty 'prozac' that will really help him.  With a baby on the way I would highly recommend this.

I am not an expert in this area so this is only from my own personal experience.  I have used the remedies below and while they have worked for me it was only on a short term basis.  I recommend contacting a hollistic vet directly who would be able to perscribe a more individulized treatment for your cats exact symptoms.  That being said there are also natural remedies you can use for this poor babies 'issue's,' I can imagine how terrified he is after what he's been through.  You can do some searching online for which one's most suit his symptoms but I would think you would want to treat for 'terror' for this you can use rock rose and then some chamomile to calm him down, you can get both of these from any health food store and give him a couple drops of each a few times a day while you have visitors, while he is calm have the visitors cuddle with him to show him that other people can also be trusted.

Hope this helps.

Chenza Maine Coons