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Cat Knocking things over

20 13:59:15

My cat has been knocking things over since he was around 7 months old. He use to just use his paw but now he uses his whole head. I have lost about 7 glasses and 3 candles because he will push them to the edge of the counter and watch them break. I've read tips online and tried them all. Yelling and scrolling right away, squirting water at him when he's about to knock something over, squirting water after he knocks something over, and not paying any attention. Things had been alright for a while because I know not to leave anything out and I cover my tables with a blanket when they are not in use. Last night however, he ended up knocking over my printer that was on top of a desk hutch and it landed on my head! I'm ok, but this is getting dangerous and I'm worried he will hurt himself or me. Is there something I'm doing wrong? How should I train him not to do this?

Dear Jocelyn,

Your cat seems angry. He may like the sound of something as well. You should put him in a room, with food and water, a good room temperature, a litter box, any cat necessity just for like half an hour, and make sure nothing is breakable. This is just a punishment. You just can't leave him in there with other animals, and not too long with nothing to eat as you already know. Your cat is probably mad at something. He may just want to play. He may want a lot of attention from you. There are several ideas that may be your cats situation. Try anything to figure it out, or get a bell that he can play with. Or get him a ball if he likes to watch things drop. He may want room to jump or watch. There may be a loose animal in the house he is trying find and hunt. As I said, there are several things. If you need more help ask a follow up. Bye.

From Laiya