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Im never home

20 13:57:17

My boyfriend and I have a mouse problem and were considering adopting a kitten from a local shelter.  The problem is that we both work long hours, six days a week and I am afraid of leaving the kitty alone for so long (especially in a strange environment).  Any tips?


Personally I wouldn't recommend you getting a kitten. Unless you got 2 kittens so the one would have company, companionship, a playmate, and comfort when you are gone, it wouldn't be fair to the cat. It would be lonely, scared, and bored all by itself locked in the house. That can cause emotional and behavioral problems.

There is also no guarantee that the kitten could or would catch any mice. I had a mouse problem at one time and I had a number of cats!
What I found worked the best for my mouse problem was an electric mouse trap. I got mine at Rite-Aid, but probably places like Home Depot would have them too. The are a plastic little rectangle closed box with a hole in it. It uses batteries. There is a metal plate inside. You put a piece of a cookie, etc. inside the box past the plate. When the mouse goes after the cookie he steps on the plate first and is immediatly electrocuted. A light on the box flashes when you have a mouse. You just open the top and dump the mouse, reset the box(s) and wait for the next one. I trapped 10 that way and didn't have any more problem.

In combination with the electric mouse traps, I also purchased plug in electronic deterrents that worked for mice too(they were in the same department with the mouse traps). They emits an ultrasonic high pitched squeal that we can't hear, but mice can and leave because of it. I left one plugged into the wall wherever I thought mice were.

I hope this helps with your decision.
