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is my cat depressed?

20 14:03:33

Dear Tabbi,
I have a 8 month old cat named cuddles, who has been behaving much different and I fear that she might be depressed. Her brother and best bud both were killed by cars within the past 3 months.

She has had different behavior such as:
Sleeping more than usual
loss of appetite
and hiding

Could these be signs of depression?  


I'm sorry about your kitty's loss of her kitty friends. I would guess she is suffering from a combination of Separation Anxiety, depression, and that she is also grieving. You need to snap her out of it if possible because it can lead to obsessive/complusive behaviors like pulling out their fur, etc. Grieving can last up to 6 months. Give her lots of extra love and attention, kitty treats, and try to get her to a pet laser light to chase, or a string being pulled.

What I would recommend is getting a replacement friend (or two) to get your kitty interested in things again and help get her mind on new things. Cats need friends to snuggle with, play kitty games with, and to comfort them. If you get a new cat(s) it should be approximately the same age and temperment as your 8 month old. It makes the getting acquainted process a little easier. Older cats and older kittens usually don't like young kittens. But they can surprise you and be very maternal!

Here are some links to an article on a replacement cat and an article on cat grief that may be helpful: (copy and paste, or type, the whole links into your address bar)

It will also do you good and a cat good if you get one from a shelter that probably will be put to death from overcrowding and being unwanted, and that will never know the love of a human, of having enough to eat, of having a real home, and never have a chance to catch it's first mouse.
