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Cat Fear

20 13:54:56

Our cat is about 4 years old. He has a fear of plastic bags, mainly trash bags. At the recommendation of a local shelter, we had him neutered about a month ago, and were told that it should help with some of his behavioral issues. He has stopped spraying, and was ok with plastic bags when we first brought him home, however he's back to his old ways as far as hissing. Whenever I try to take the trash out, he hisses. I understand that he doesn't like bags, but after the bag was outside, he continued to hiss at me, and even blocked the hallway so I could not pass him and sat and hissed at me. My 4 year old was terrified of him. I got the spray bottle to spray him and let him know that was not acceptable behavior, and he hissed at me some more. What can I do? My husband loves this cat dearly, and is opposed to finding him a new home, but my daughter is terrified of him. He has not bitten or attacked anyone, but I also don't want it to get to that point. Please give me some suggestions to try.


You didn't say whether you found/adopted him. His actions are not that uncommon. From the sound of his behavior I would say that the poor kitty had a VERY traumatic experience before you got him and it has deeply affected him emotionally.

I had another person not too long ago that has a similar problem with her cat and the garbage can. When her cat was small he was put in a plastic bag and thrown in a garbage can being left to die. This lady happened to come across the cat, I'm not sure how, and rescued it. BUT the trauma and fear of garbage cans and garbage bags has stayed with the cat and he has 'flashbacks' when he sees either and he too 'freaks out'.

I would say that your cat had some kind of experience that probably was similar, and his behavior is just a reaction. He may have gotten accidently trapped in a bag and/or a garbage can and almost suffocated, he could have been put in a bag and tossed out of a car on the freeway, etc. He may have also suffered some kind of injury or serious pain in addition to the terror of whatever possibly happened.

Cats do not have any reasoning abilities, they only go by past experiences, associations, and habit. He can't reason that "this person loves me and wouldn't hurt me", he just associates the garbage with something bad and reacts to it with terror and is prepared to fight for his life.....again (?)

Cats are like people, they can have emotional problems too.
I would not take his behavior personally. He is probably associating you at that moment with whatever is going through his mind with the garbage.

He probably won't get over it so you (and your family) may have to be patient and understanding with him. Knowing how he feels, I would try to keep plastic bags away from him, plus I would shut him up in a bedroom, etc. when you are going to take out the trash so he doesn't have to see/hear what's going as you do it. It will save him stress and also save you stress from his odd reaction. When you do take the garbage out, when you come back in I would give him a special kitty treat. Like tuna, tinned sardines in oil, etc. That is so he will begin to associate taking out the garbage with something pleasant in stead of negative and traumatic.

I hope this helps.
