Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > Star


20 13:58:54

Hi Laiya, it's me again.

Star is being really weird. She keeps jumping on bed, and stalking and pouncing. Then when I go near her, she growls at me. Star has never done this before, and she is such a sissy cat I'm surprised she is doing this. She is a Persian, so I expect it more from my other cat, Dancer, my Siamese... is this normal? Thanks Laiya. Bye.


Dear Jessica,

Star is in either a mode or a mood right now. If she is in a mode, she is hunting, so if she growls at you when she's hunting, she is telling you go away because this is my prey and I'm catching it. So check for anything in your room that she may be looking for and trying to hunt. If she is in a mood, she is playing or something is annoying her, so try to calm her down, or if Dancer is doing something than move her away from Star. She may want alone time, and she charades to tell you. Good luck finding out the problem between Star and your bedroom.

From Your Expert Laiya

P.S. Thanks for your sweet comment and rating, glad to help anytime. =D