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kitten biting my ear

20 13:52:50

Dear Tabbi,
I have a 4mo old kitten, Loki, that keeps biting my ear. I'm pretty sure it's affectionate because he only does it when he's laying on my chest or cuddling next to me. It's not very hard but it hurts! I have tried to stop him by setting him on the floor each time he does it but as soon as he comes back to lay on me it happens again. Sometimes he'll fall asleep with me and it will wake me up. I've had pretty good success training him not to play bite but how do I teach him not to bite affectionately - especially when I'm already asleep.
He's already neutered and went to the vet recently so as far as I know he's in good health.


That is common behavior when a kitten was weaned too early. Usually the kitten will grow out of it. The most effective way to curb the behavior is to blow hard in the kitten's face everytime he starts it. He should soon associate the blowing (which he will NOT like) to biting your ear.

A kitten needs another kitten to snuggle with, groom, play kitty games with, and be a comfort to them. If it is feasible, you may want to think about getting a kitten about the same age and temperament so your kitten can transfer his physical acts of affection to a kitten and not your ear (or other body parts, or blankets, etc).
