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How long will this last?

20 13:56:53

I have just purchased a 5 month old Ragdoll kitten.  She really loves climbing everything and is really rambunctious all the time, she hardly ever sleeps!  Is this probably just a phase that she is going through and she should calm down after a while?


She is just a normal happy and healthy kitten. I always suggest getting 2 kittens so they can play together, roughhouse, and burn up energy. A human can't play with them like another kitten can.

Try interactive toys like a pet laser light (from Petco/PetSmart/etc.). Cats love to chase the little 'red bug' on the ceilings, floors, and walls. It's a good energy burner and it helps with bonding too. Also pull a rope or a shoestring around, get little furry stuffed toy mice, and little balls to bat around. A ping pong ball in the bathtub is great fun too (first plug the drain though). Also a cat tree/kitty condo scrathing post is good for them to run up and down on which kittens love to do.

She will grow out of a few months! (smile)
