Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > is my cat sopposed to be doing thid while she is in heat?

is my cat sopposed to be doing thid while she is in heat?

20 14:04:46

My cat is a yr and a month old. And right now she is in heat. I have never had a cat before so IDK what to expect. She meows and its sound weird and it lasts for idk for how long. And she is always bending her back down and pointing out her butt. She is not as hyper as she normally is. And she is more cuddly and always wants to go outside just to rib on the concrete. Oh, yeah she is trying to rub on things too. Like she ribs agaisnt my legs, the couch,and the edges of doors ect... She has been doing this for about 5-6 days and i want to know is this normal? And can I stop it? Or when does it end? And can you please tell me anything else I need to know? IDK what kind of breed she is.THANKS!!


It's time to get your cat spayed!
How she is acting is completely normal for a female in heat. It could last a week to 2 weeks. And drive you crazy at the same time!You may also get tomcats hanging around and yowling at her outside.
Once you get her spayed things will get back to normal.
