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my cat not using the litter box

20 14:03:41


I have a cat Sam that is 8 yrs old and just in the past 6 mos has had a change of heart in using the litter box.  He ALWAYS goes pee in it but than decides to poop on our carpet in the family room.  I have tried almost every thing.  Two litter boxes, I clean out like 4 or 5 times a day, tried different litter.  We also have another cat that I sometimes feel he is bothering Sam when he is trying to go to the bathroom.  So Sam gets mad and goes on the carpet.  But we have had the other cat for almost 4 yrs now.  So why all of a sudden he would be getting upset with him.  We have not taken him to the doctor yet.  I have read that most of medical problems were in cats that stopped peeing in their litter box not pooping.  Any other suggestions besides the doctor.  I will be taking him there after reading some of the other stories you have.



When there is a change in a cat's elimination habits it is always good to be on the safe side and check for a medical issue causing the cat's behavior before addressing it as a behavioral problem. Intestinal parasites and constipation are among the possibilies that could cause improper elimination. If it is painful when he uses the litterbox he will go elsewhere because he would associate the pain with the litterbox.

At 8 years old it is a good time to give him an "older cat checkup" to check the funtions of his thyroid, kidneys, and liver, etc.

A cat will quit using the litterbox also when they are upset at you or stressed over something in or around the home. Are there any stray cats that he can see out the window but can't get to to defend his territory? Have you left him alone for a couple of days? Have you not been paying attention to him as much as you used to or not playing with him as often? It is their way of telling you something is wrong and that he is either very stressed or upset about something or that he has a medical issue going on.

It may be that the cat is stressed by your other cat. Perhaps he was ambushed on his way to the litterbox or jumped (even playfully) while he was using it which could make him afraid to use it in case it happened again. He wouldn't associate urinating with an incident like that so that is not a problem for him. Another litterbox in a different location may help. Sometimes you have to be a detective to try and figure out the reason behind his 'accidents'.

Sometimes too, cats don't like where their litterbox is located. They like privacy. They may decide they don't like the litter you are using, or the litterbox suddenly becomes too small for their comfort. Try a bigger litterbox with deeper litter in it.

I am including a couple of links that have informational articles on improper elimination that you may find helpful. Copy and paste or type the whole links into your address bar:
