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not using litterbox to poop

20 14:06:18

My cat only uses her litterbox to pea. Then whenever she needs to poop, she goes wherever she wants in the basement.When we first got her she didn't do this. At first we thought it was because she was afraid of the subpump (her litterbox was originally in the laundry room) so we moved it. Now it has been in plenty of different places and she still only uses it to pea. What can my family do?


The most common reason for that behavior is that they are upset at you for something. Have there been any changes in your household? People? New pets? Have you left her for a few days alone? She also may not like the litter you are using. Does your litterbox have a hood? Alot of times they don't like using a litterbox with the hood because they can't see if something is coming.

Has she had a vet checkup lately? She may have a problem or pain when she poops and she associates that pain with the litterbox so she goes everywhere else.

I am including a link that has a lot of good articles on improper elimination. Cut and paste, or type, the whole link into your address bar:

Hope this helps.
