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kitten behavior (rolling over)

20 13:57:44


HI, This is my first kitten experience so everything is strange to me because I'm a dog person. My 6 month old kitty has not been spayed yet. Today she started to roll over from one side to the other. At first it was cute and she was doing it right by my feet so I began petting her head and tummy. She's friendly but doesn't liked to be stroked for too long so this was weird. Then she wouldn't stop rolling back and forth, licking her paws, rolling into a ball and knocking her head a bit as she rolled on the floor. I thought she might be going into heat.
Thank you so much!


What a pretty face your cat has!

It is possible she could be going into heat, but it is a little late in the season for it. But now would be a very good time to get her spayed.

She could be playing too, or she could have fleas and is scratching herself, or it just could feel good to her. I have one that spends as much time rolling as he does walking. There isn't a specific reason for it..he just enjoys doing it.

She may be bored too and doing it for attention. I would think about possibly getting her a kitty friend about her same age and temperment. Kittens need another kitten to play kitty games with, to snuggle with, and for companionship.
