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Question about Kitten behavior

20 14:07:08

We had a wild cat abandon a kitten under our house. (She took the rest of them with her) We bottle fed and weaned the kitten and she is dearly loved by my children. She is about 14 weeks old now. Our problem is that she bites us anytime we touch her. Most of the time it seems like she is trying to play. She will sometimes even do it when
she is purring. She is now an outdoor cat because she kept running up and attacking our legs, especially our youngest child. I was hoping that it was just a playful kitten stage, but if anything it has gotten worse with time. And as she gets bigger it is getting more painful.
It almost seems that she thinks that this is the we that she is supposed to interact with us.

Does you have any advice? I have had a few cats in my life and they were all outdoor cats. I just don't remember encountering anything like this. I remember having kittens pounce on my feet or bite occasionally, but this is really extreme. My kids would hate to give her up because she is like our baby, but I am worried about safety issues as she gets older and bigger.

Hi Anglea,

Yes, you do need to nip this in the bud now.  Part of the problem is that she did not grow up with siblings that would have helped to teach her 'the ropes' so to speak so it is likely she is just trying to play.  First make sure to tell the kids not to pet her belly, this is a very sensitive spot for most cats and often causes a cat to nip out of fear for their own safety (this is where all of their organs are most vulnerable so it's instictive), second you need to buy some wand toys (the kind with a stick that has a toy dangling from the end) to play with her, NEVER use your hands to play, your hands should only ever be used to pet, whoever came up with the glove that has all the toys on it is an idiot ;)  Lastly, try not to let petting sessions go on too long as there is more than one reason for her nips one of them is that she is getting overstimulated, I've found this usually happens more with males but once in a while with a girl.  This knowlege will help get things started but there's some more to do.  Try to use the want to tire her out so she is less likely to attack your feet etc when they move, however, when she does do this you need to make a very loud, high pitched squealing noise that will imitate the noise that a littermate would make to teach the kitten that she's gone too far, then you can give her a time out, just a few minutes away from you guys.  Another thing you can use is a water bottle, a squirt works wonders on problem behaviors but it's tough to always have the bottle handy.  If she does nip while playing or petting, again make the high pitched noise, immediately put her down on the ground (gently but quickly) and stop the pet/play session.  

You should also consider keeping her inside, the average lifespan for an outdoor cat is less than three years, right now the top killer of cats is feline aids and leukemia which only affects outdoor cats since it is spread through cat to cat contact.  One other thing I am going to mention which would help but would is also a big commitment is a second cat, a female would be best as they would be more likely to teach the kitten the 'ropes.  I know this is not likely pheasable but I thought I would bring it up anyhow ;)

These suggestions should help a lot, good luck!
