Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > curious


20 14:04:14

Hello. This really isnt so much of a problem as of yet. But my 2 yr old cat will splash her water so much that she gets herself and the carpet all wet. I'm just wondering if maybe you could tell me why she does this and if I can get her to stop. She only started doing this recently. Thank you


That is a common occurrance with kittens and cats. Sometimes the bowl is too small and their whiskers touch the sides which they don't like; sometimes, if it is a light bowl, they can't see the water level and put their paws in it; and sometimes the cat is just bored and has found a way to amuse's always fun to watch water spread!

You can get a kitten friend for her to play with and keep her occupied. Then she would have someone to play with, snuggle with, and play kitty games with.

One of my cats puts both front paws on the edge of her bowl to drink. It wasn't so bad when she was little, but as she got bigger and heavier the bowl would tip over. I had to get a heavy one, and keep it filled, so it would support her weight. Cats have weird little quirks!

If you still want her to have some fun you can get a heavy ceramic bowl that she can't knock over to drink out of, then get a plastic container with low side and put the bowl you are using now in the center of if and let her play. If the water spills it will be contained in the container.

Buy her more toys, like a pet laser light that she can chase the 'little red bug', or toy stuffed mice you can throw or she can bat around, etc. Things to keep her amused, tire her out, and keep her from being a bored destructive kitten...or get another kitten for company.
