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Tabbi behavior

20 13:55:11

I recently got two 7-month old brothers.  They constantly hide and do not come out from behind the couch.  They only eat at night when everyone is sleeping.


That's good that you got 2 together. That will help, especially in a new situation where they are scared and unsure. It will take time and patience. They are in a new environment with new smells, new sounds, new people, a new home, etc. They are frightened. Give them time. They will come out when they feel comfortable, safe, and learn to trust you. Don't try to force them to be friendly, let them do it at their own pace. They will, but it MAY take a month or more. Be patient.

It is best to keep new cats in a room with a litterbox, food and water for a week or two to acclimate to their new surroundings and get used to you. A lot of times having the run of a whole house/apartment/etc. is too overwhelming with everything else going on. It's better to enlarge their area gradually than all at once.

Food is a great bribe. Try putting a small dish of tuna between you and them. Just sit quietly and talk to them gently to get used to your voice. The tuna will help them associate you with something pleasant. If they venture out to eat it then, next time, move it a little closer to you until they are not afraid to eat near you. If you can pet them then, then you are on your way.

If they had feral parents they will instinctively distrust and be afraid of humans. The older they are the longer it takes to gain their trust.

If they didn't have feral parents and are domesticated cats then it won't take as long or be as difficult. But either way...time and patience....with love and kitty treats thrown in!

I hope this helps.
