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Feral Kitten

20 13:57:28

I have been feeding a feral kitten who was living under a dumpster. She got to the place where I could pet her. Yesterday I brought her home and she is in my bathroom with food, water and a bed.  Whenever I check on her, she lets me pet her, but she looks so unhappy and scared. Did I do the right thing? I was so afraid she would get hit by a car.


dog crate

That is a nice thing to do to save the kitty.

A kitten needs a kitty friend for comfort and companionship. It is scared and alone in a strange world with a human that it is inbred and inherited to be afraid of. Personally I would try to get another kitten about it's same age that your kitten can learn from from it and snuggle with it.

You have taken her (out of kindness) from everything she knows and is used to. It is natural that she will be frightend and confused.  She would not like to be in a room alone where she cannot see. It would be better to get her a big dog crate to be in, that way she can see you, and get used to your movements and the sounds going on in the home. I got mine at Petco and it works great for containing a cat. I use it for introductions or petsitting. You can put a litterbox, food and water dishes, and a small cat carrier with the door removed (to sleep or hide in) in it and still have room. I am attaching a picture of mine.

It will take time, love, patience, and kitty treats as a bribe, but she will be fine when she adapts to her new world, though ferals will never be or act like domesticated housecats.
