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Untrained Demon Spawn!

20 14:06:49

Help. I am at my end. I have an older cat (8yrs) a brother and sister (3yrs) and their spawn (2yrs). Mamma never taught baby to use the liter box.  We keep it in a downstairs bathtub and she used to use the drain.  Now she is going wherever she wants; in corners, on towels, clothes. We have pulled up carpet in one room and that's where she dumps.  She urinates wherever and it's ruining my house.  Also, she hates me.  I have held her since she was born but I have never heard her purr. She growls and scratches me to get down.  BUT, she loves my husband.  I am on the verge of dropping her off at the glue factory!  Please help!

Poor Kay!

No, the glue factory is for horses. How about the Mattel factory? They could make Barbie Doll coats out of her! (just kidding people!). Have you tried leaving the door open 'accidently'? "Gee Honey, the devil-cat, I mean the darling cat, somehow got out today. So sorry." (smile).

Have you have had her checked for urinary crystals? They are very painful and they associate that pain with the litterbox so they go everywhere else.

If it is not a medical problem, then the only thing you can do is totally ignore her. Don't try to pick her up, talk to her, or pet her. They don't like being ignored and she may come to you. If not, then if your husband likes the cat a bunch, let him clean her messes. She may be messing on things to get HIS attention. Let him feed her and give her affection. She also may be messing on things because she doesn't like you (no offense, it happens. To me too occassionally). Ignoring her may help.

Also the litterbox in the bathtub is not a good idea. Some cats won't use the litterbox if they can't see if something is coming up on them. Have you tried putting a couple of small litter boxes around in different areas to see if that helps?

Rarely (I've had one), there are cats who will never use the litterbox because they don't like the feel of the litter under their feet. I had to use newspapers NEXT to the litterbox. A pain in the neck, but it worked out.

I am including a link to a multi-part series on cat behavior that is interesting and may be helpful to you. Cut and paste or type the whole link in your address browser:

I hope something helps! Let me know how it goes.
