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Eating Bottle Nipples and pacifiers carrying around toys and blankets

20 13:54:15

My fixed cat it can be at night or in the day time she will get my sons (9 months) stuffed blankets or toys ...
carry it in her mouth and just walk around the house crying

any ideas why? she is almost 1 yrs old now the cat.
We definitely say shes the baby..  we dont let her even in the same room when our son sleeps whether we are there or not.
As she also eats his bottles and pacifiers on a regular basis!!
We need to hide them ALL the time!!  OR keep them up high.

Any thoughts on this behaviour? and ideas?


Actually, it is a common 'odd' behavior.

In the wild, cats hunt their prey, then they bring their prey back to a safe place before they consume it. Indoor cats have surpressed hunting urges that they can't satisfy if they don't go outside. Cats who exhibit this behavior are usually trying to utilize their natural instinct to retrieve. The only thing that the inside cat can do to satisfy this urge is to 'hunt and kill' something inside the home. The most common items are toys, clothing and blankets.

It may also be a way for her to get your attention. She may be feeling left out and neglected since you have had the baby and is 'telling' you that by bringing something to you that belongs to the baby. Make sure you spend quality time with the cat, as much as you did before you had the baby.

It a little late, but your cat may be teething when she chews on the nipples and pacifiers. They also smell like milk or formula which she probably likes.

You may want to think about getting her a kitty friend to play with and be companionship for her. That would keep her occupied and help if she is bored.
