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Constant Meowing

20 14:02:46

I have an almost year old, spayed manx that i rescued from a shelter a few months ago(she was fixed when she was 3 months)who was surrendered for unknown reasons... But she sometimes walks around the house whining like she's lost or in heat. she carries her toys with her sometimes when she does this also. my neutered 2yr old male will sometimes pin her when she does this as well. there are some stray cats around our house that are always having kittens, could she be having a false heat by hearing them outside? any help will be appreciated!


Cats, like humans, can have emotional problems. They could be the result of her treatment previously.

It's possible that she is very maternal and lonely. Have you tried bringing her in a kitten and see how she reacts to it. She may need the companionship and comfort a kitten can give her, and something for her to care for.

If you wanted to have a vet xray her or give her an ultrasound, you can check to see if an ovary was missed when she was spayed which would cause her to act like she is in heat.
