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Runaway kitty

20 13:57:56


Our baby a few months
Our neutered kitten, which we got when he was over four mos. old, was being kept indoors and occasionally out on the deck or yard with us on a leash. He loved outdoors, and last night he slipped out. I read about the cats who were found nearby...but we searched the entire neighborhood, then the fields and neighborhoods beyond to no avail. Its been almost twenty-four hours. At midnight last night i went everywhere calling him and he never answered. He had a microchip, but we are beside ourselves. He was a very active cat who was house trained at the home of a trainer at the shelter where we found him. What else can we do to find him. We have put posters everywhere and called the shelter. We'll call the vets's Sunday.
Thanks for any help


I hope by the time you read this that you found your poor kitty! It sounds like you have done everything you can do.

He may be scared and up a tree, in which case he will come down. Someone may have him thinking he is a stray. Put a notice in the paper. Hopefully you don't have any coyotes in the area!

When you find him, collar train (break-away type only) him and tape your address and/or phone number on it. It is the indoor cats that have a problem with getting lost. Most people don't think an indoor cat needs a collar...but they are the one's that DO need it just for the reason you have....the cat slips out the door.
