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my kitten

20 13:57:16


I recently bought a female persian kitten a couple of months ago. I got her when she was 9 weeks old. She was so loving and a "good personality" kind of kitten. She always would come and sit on my lap and also my friends' laps since day one. But know I feel she slightly changed!! She will only come to me if I have treats for her!! she does not like to be held alot, and sometimes when she sees me, she would tilt her ears backwards and run to hide. Is she playing with me or is this fear? I remember one time, she came to me while I was sleeping and layed her head on mine, and I kindoff pushed her away gently; ever since, she changed!! Is it possible that she hated me for what I did and still remembers it?
what can I do to win her back?


Blaze (neat name!)

When you first got her she was unsure of herself and adapting to her new environment so she was meek and loveable. Now that she is feeling more secure she is developing her personality...which sounds like she may be a bit of a 'brat' (smile).

She may be trying to play with you like she would another kitten. Kittens really should have a friend to play kitty games with, learn with, and for company and companionship when they are alone. 2 are easier to care for than one because they don't demand the constant attention and need to be amused that happens when you just have kitten.

No, she doesn't hate you! She is just like a human child that is growing. She will test you, develop and change, and you will have the same trial and tribulations of growing pains that you go through with kids and teenagers.

Playing with her interactively will help you bond. A pet laser light is very good for that (from PetSmart, Petco, etc.). Cats love to chase the 'little red bug' on the floors, ceilings, and walls. Plus it is funny to watch them. Drag a shoestring around or a piece of rope. That also love to do that.

Try ignoring her completely for awhile. Cats hate to be ignored! Wait until she comes to you for affection...and she will.

Just be patient with her, it will be OK.
