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My Cat-- Bad Behavior!

20 14:04:51

My cat just starting going poop by our porch door.  She is NOT an outdoor cat, but she keeps going in the same place.  That is the ONLY place she goes besides her litterbox, it is not like she is going any where because she has bowel problems.  How can I fix this?  I keep telling her "no no", I show her it and tell her "no no", she knows that I am upset.
Thank you!


Your cat is telling you that she is upset about something. Can she see a stray cat outside? If she is territorial and sees a stray cat she can't get to it will upset her.

Have you been playing with her and giving her the same amount of attention as you used to? Have you been leaving her alone alot? Has someone moved in or out of the home?

Sometimes you have to be a detective to find out why she is upset.

Also you may want to have her examined by a vet to rule out a medical problem that you aren't aware of. It may not be a behavior problem and she may not be being 'a bad kitty'.

If she is constipated, has intestinal parasites, or other stomach or intestinal problems it may be painful for her to have a bowel movement and she may associate that pain with the litterbox and that could be why she is going elsewhere.

I hope this helped.
