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Cat runaway and back again

20 13:57:16

Hi there, we have just recently moved house with our two cats, with the new house being just down the road. One of the cats has settled in but the other keeps running back to the old house. She's about 4 years old and she seems happy when we find her roaming down near the old house. She's fine outside if we go out with her but otherwise she bolts off, help please


When you move into a different home you should keep the cats inside for 2 weeks. Let them look outside to become familiar with the  sights, sounds, and smells of the new place. They need to rub against the walls to place their scents on the new territory to make it theirs.

Cats are creatures of habit and routine. You need to get them away from the habit and familiarity of the old home and develop a new one home. This home isn't home to them yet, and as long as they can go back to the old where things are familir they will. Keeping them inside will help them adapt.

It may be difficult though with the old home so close. Cats will naturally go where they are familiar with things, where they are happy, and where they want to be. Even though they are owned, many times a cat will want to stay at the old place with the new resident because that is where they want to be. Sometimes they will come back on their own, sometimes they will stay.

Personally, I wouldn't force her to be with you if, after keeping her inside for 2 weeks, she still goes back. She could end up depressed and miserable. I would let her go back if she wants and see what happens. She may miss the other cats and decide that isn't where she wants to be after all and come back to stay.
