Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cat Training and Behavior > 2 male kittens or one male/one female?

2 male kittens or one male/one female?

20 14:06:12

I have purchased a male exotic kitten and also a Ragdoll kitten.  I cannot decide whether to get the male or female Ragdoll kitten.  I have searched the net and all the answers vary.  What would you recommend.  Will it make a difference if I bring them home 2 weeks apart?


I do not answer pedigree-specific questions (there are breeders and show judges in the 'Cats' section of this website that do) but I will answer it as a generic question.

Whether you get a male or female Ragdoll depends a lot on their personalities. I would tend to go with a female myself because sometimes males, even if they are neutered, have territorial issues. Males can also be best friends too. Again, it's the personality of each of them.

It is always good to get new cats as close together as you can before the first one is acclimated to the home and stakes a claim against an 'outsider'. Then you have to go through all the hisses, slaps, growls, and territory claims that is normal behavior when introducing new cat.

I hope this helped. And as I mentioned you may also want to ask this of a breeding expert in the other section of cats in case there is something breed-specific you should know about the cats you are getting.
