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My cat is being attacked by another cat

20 14:06:11

I really need your help. We just moved into a new house with our 10 month old cat. She likes being outside in the garden so I think it would be cruel to keep her inside. A neighbour cat comes into our house and attacks my cat. i work so there's nobody to "bodyguard"my cat. What do I do? Please please help me.


Unfortunately there is not a magic way to protect your cat from a neighborhood bully except by keeping her inside when you are not home. Let her out and watch her when you are home. She and the bully (who is probably an un-neutered male) MAY get used to each other, but it is not probable. Is your cat spayed? If not, that could be the problem.

Keep the garden hose handy and spray the intruder when you see him (her). Those are about your only options.
