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there is something wrong with my cat

20 14:07:09

my 5 and a half month kitten, Pepsi, hasn't been herself lately, she used to be very active but now she never runs, doesn't eat as much as she usually does, her fur is shedding heaps more than her mother, she stinks badly and she is getting thinner.
my other kitten, London, i think there is something wrong with her eye it looks like she's crying only on the left eye and she too has her off days when it comes to eating, she used too always ask for food and clean the plate now she hardly touches it and is also losing weight same with the mother.

could you please tell me what's wrong with them,
thankyou kiki

Hello Kiki,

I am sorry but I am not a vet, your kittens need to go to a Dr and get a thorough check up with some bloodwork.  There are numerous things this could be but at this age, and for any cat really, not eating is very serious and required immediate attention.  

Please get them to a vet ASAP.
