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My aby grooming my wifes face

20 13:56:25

We own a 3 year old female abysinian.  Her behavior is very typical of an aby except for one peculiur thing. Everyday she will groom my wifes face. She will spend 5 to 10 minutes licking her cheek as she kneads and purrs. She will do this until she tires and curls up to rest. If she can't groom my wife she gets antsy and aggitated and will continue to attempt this. My wife is the only one she will do this to. Have you seen this behavior and do you have any reason for it?


Guess what? I have one that does that too! He's not an aby though. It is the sign of great affection. Your cat is just full of love for your wife and that is how she shows it, since the cat can't 'pet' her. It is comforting to the cat to spend this time 'loving' her before the cat goes into a (contented)sleep. It is like the love and attention a mama cat gives her babies when she grooms them.

I feel like I have had a dermabraision treatment when my cat is done! His name is 'Lotsa Luv' because he DOES have lots of love to give. Since mine is a male (neutered) his kneading and licking sometimes becomes a sexual stimulation for him. I don't know if a female would have the same type of response though.
