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Need to stop my cat from waking me up in this new year!

20 13:56:25

Hi Tabbi,
Happy Holidays! Thanks for being available. After being out-of-town for the holidays, I have fully realized the impact that my cat has on my sleep. I have a full-time and a part-time job where for about two nights a week I come home at after midnight.  I have a 3 yr-old spade female cat. I adopted her from a shelter when she was a kitten.  Until she was about a year old I didn't allow her to be in my bedroom.  That all changed when I moved to a new apt. and I felt sorry for her since she was so stressed out by the unfamiliar surroundings. I allowed her to sleep with me. She liked to wake me up and go in and out of my bedroom doing mischief.  When I kicked her out and closed the door she would scratch on it incessantly.  So much so that after doing a lot of research on this type of behavior, I put a small vacuum cleaner at the door and would turn it on and off when she started her crazy scratching fits. Since then I moved to another apartment, where the person I lived with had another cat.  I would pretty much keep my door ajar and my cat would come in and out when she pleased and when I did close it she wouldn't really scratch on the door as before. Now I live with another person with a cat that doesn't interact with mine. So, my cat is back to her old ways.  She'll wake up and want to come in and out of the room. She likes to scratch on mirrors in my room (like she fighting the cat image in the mirror), etc. I don't like to keep my room door ajar anymore since it's cold, so I open and close the door to let her in and then keep her out. (I'm like a doorman I know!) I decided in this new year that she is part of the reason why I don't feel rested. I am determined to change this behavior tonight! I love my cat. Apparently I love her too much since she spoiled.  She's good cat in all other areas.  She's healthy ( I have her checked by the vet every year) at a good weight, and is litterbox trained. I feel bad kicking her out because I have to turn the heat down at night so the rest of the apartment is cold.  I have a space heater in my bedroom.  I read your past answers. However, I don't think if it will work to just not allow her in my room.  This cat is very independent and is a serious door scratcher.  She'll drive you mad.  Please advise!


You need to change your routine with the cat and get her used to the new one. Play with her right before you go to bed. A pet laser light is an excellent interactive toy (you can get them at PetSmart, Petco, etc.)  A good play session before bedtime will tire her out, which is essential for a good nights sleep for you both!  Give the cat a can of catfood (or her big meal) after you play with her, just before you go to bed. That way she will have a full tummy, be tired from playing, and will (hopefully!) sleep through the night (or most of it).

You need to put a stop to the bad habit of waking you up. THAT is the hardest part. To do that, you need to COMPLETELY ignore the cat when she starts it. Don't acknowledge her at all. No matter what she does or how long she does it. No verbal or physical acknowledgment at all. EVENTUALLY the cat will stop doing it if she's not getting any attention from it because that is the sole purpose of her actions. If her behavior gets your attention, then she will continue doing it.  You HAVE to be consistant! If you respond to her even once it won't work any more and the habit will continue, even worse than before, because she has found that if she continues long enough EVENTUALLY you will give in to her attention getting behavior so she will keep it up (she hasn't got anything else to do).

Also get her some new cat toys and, if you shut your door, give them to her then, and not before.

I hope this helps you get some rest!
