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dominating cat

20 14:04:54

my cat is a Bengal 6month old boy..just me and him live in this place..he has become so dominating its driving me crazy,,,he throws things off benches and tables..chews cords, breaks things,,,i love him but i cant take it anymore..can you offer some advice or tips please


Your cat is bored. I would get him a kitty friend if you can about his same age and temperment to play kitty games with, to snuggle with, and to keep him company. It takes some of the pressure off of you to keep him amused. It's not good to have a cat too dependant on a human for company and companionship.

Also, is he neutered? That would help settle him down a bit.

Play interactive games with him to tire him out. A pet laser light is excellent for that (from PetSmat, Petco, etc.). Play 'throw and fetch' with your cat. Get some furry stuffed mice or shiny craft balls that come in a package at Wal-Mart's craft dept. or a craft store. My cats love to just carry them around when I get tired of throwing them!

Here is a good article on chewing electrical cords: (copy and paste the whole link into your address bar)

I  scare the bejeeses out of my cats if they even think about going near a cord. Then of course I love on them a few minutes later so they aren't scared of me, just of going near a cord. And I've never had a problem with it.

Since I do not answer questions about pedigreed cats you may also want to ask this question of an expert in the breeding and showing section of this website who is familiar with the behavior of the bengal. His behavior may be something that is 'breed specific'.

Also here is an excellent website for info about Bengals: (or just

I hope this helps.
