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Cat scratches to be let out at night

20 14:05:00

My cat scratches and bangs on the door to be let out of my bedroom at night so he can play with my housemate's cat. During the day I leave the door opened so he can enter and leave as he pleases but at night I keep my bedroom door closed for privacy since I live with other people. The rules are to leave cat in rooms at night to prevent noise
(the cats make a lot of noise when they play together).The noise of the scratching and banging wakes up the other housemates. I tried to tell no and used the squirt bottle. He does not like to be squirted but instead of stopping the behavior he runs when he hears the bottle or even when he hears me wake-up. I also tried to play with him more during the day so that he is tired at night but that does not work. I have no idea what to do. No one in the house can get sleep at night since my cat is hitting and scratching on the door.


If your housemates cat is out so your cat wants to play with him,  then why can't your cat be let out? It would make less noise it seems.

Try leaving a bowl of drycat food in your room so he can munch. That can settle him down a little. Plus play with him before you go to bed, like with a pet laser light (you can get them at PetSmart) to tire him out. Then give him a can of wet food. That should make him sleep.

To stop his scratching and banging is difficult...for you. You have to COMPLETELY ignore him. Do not acknowedge his behavior in any way. He is doing it to get your attention. If he doesn't get the attention he is trying for then he will EVENTUALLY quit. But you have to be consistant and not acknowledge him even once. Once you do it won't work and it will be worse because then he knows if he does it long enough he WILL get attention. Tell your roommates what you are going to do and ask for their patience while you are re-training him.
