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male biting another males back

20 13:55:17

My 9 year old non-neutured cat is always trying to bite the back of my newly acquired 3 month old kitten.  He like to bite his back and try to hold him down.  This this normal behavior?


I would get both cat fixed ASAP, or at least the kitten. It is a response that some cats have to sexual stimulation. Usually the cause for this behavior is that the cat smells a female in heat somewhere in the neighborhood (even if it is an inside cat) and reacts to it, or it could be that your young male is coming in heat and he is reacting to that.

When he does that don't get mad at him or scold him because it's nature and he doesn't understand what he is doing wrong. But also don't pet him because that can get him more stimulated. Try to distract him with food or toys. A pet laser light (from PetSmart, Petco, etc.) is an excellent distraction.
The behavior should stop when whatever is stimulating him stops.

He probably is also showing domination to the kitten, and making sure the kitten knows who is the head of the pecking order.

Watch that he doesn't get too rough with the kitten and accidently hurt him. I wouldn't let him alone with the kitten until you know the kitten will be OK with him.
