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My cats might go!!!

20 14:04:32

Hello as you may know my name is Briana. My mom is trying to get rid of our cats because they don't use the litterbox! They poop in the laundry room by the wall in front of it though. Also they throw up alot and they are over weight!!! Yet she keeps feeding them. We do have 4 litter boxes so it isn't that.

Hi Briana!

Your cats need to go to the vet. It sounds like it is more of a medical issue than caused by bad behavior.

Not using the litterbox to poop and vomiting sounds like they could have an intestinal blockage, constipation, intestinal parasites, etc. Those things would make it painful for them to poop and the cats would associate that pain with the litterbox and go elsewhere.

Don't blame the cats if it is a medical problem that they can't help. Take them to the vet to be examined.

Thanks for writing back, Briana
