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Runaway kitten

20 13:57:51

I just recently got a kitten from a good friend of mine who also has his brother and a friendly, loving chiuahua.  She lives in the apartment complex right next to mine, and I have been walking over there, kitty in hand, and letting them all play together so he can get socialized.  They all love playing together, and I had no problem carrying him over there until today.  He got very mad at me, and squirmed and scratched and bit until I dropped him.  He ran away and I eventually got him, but I'm worried and don't want that to happen again, but I want to continue letting them play together.  Any suggestions?


Most cats don't care much for being carried any distance. They like their feet on the ground. Plus anything can spook a cat...even one used to being carried. To be on the safe side take the kitten for his 'play dates' in a carrier.
