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just adopted a 5 month old kitten

20 14:04:35

Well 3 days ago I adopted a 5 month old kitten and she's absolutly awsome and everything but we have a problem. I know your not a vet but you might be able to answer me this.
I have no idea what she was fed at pets smart  so I've given her whatever I could. So for the pat 2 day she's had diorrhea, could be possibly because of the food change? It would awsome if you could answer this question.
Please answer back,

P.s. It's a female and her name is Annie and I'm feeding her Friskies indoor  


Unfortunately alot of cats gotten from PetSmart have had problems but hopefully yours in minor. I would have her examined by a veterinarian to check her health.

Do not feed her adult food. Feed her a good quality kitten chow. She may need worming too. Do not buy over the counter worm medicine because the worms are becoming immune to it. Get some from a vet. Do not give her milk products. Sweet Asadophalis (spelling?) in the dairy department is a good thing to give them. The most important thing is to avoid dehydration when kittens have diarrhea.
